by Thomas Leake | Dec 5, 2015 | Faith For Life's Journey
How can Jesus be the Savior/King if the Jews rejected him? The rejection of Jesus as the Messiah of Israel has been historically a huge stumbling block to many, especially the Jewish people. If Jesus truly was the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy, wouldn’t He have...
by Thomas Leake | Jan 13, 2016 | Faith For Life's Journey
By this point in our faith venture you have read and understood the amazing message from God. We certainly encourage you to read the Bible for yourself to get the fuller story. You can even read it online for free. God’s message has been disseminated widely...
by Thomas Leake | Feb 17, 2016 | Faith For Life's Journey
In our last entry we carefully laid out what it means to have faith in Jesus Christ – to come to embrace the Christian faith sincerely in your heart. We particularly looked at the three essential elements of saving faith historically known by those three Latin...
by Thomas Leake | Mar 1, 2016 | Faith For Life's Journey
As we have tried to demonstrate, the Christian faith is a wonderful asset for life. Knowing and following Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the greatest blessing in all of life and yields the greatest rewards in the afterlife. However there are people, including...
by Thomas Leake | Mar 1, 2016 | Faith For Life's Journey
Sixth, Self-Esteem Gospel: Another error about the Christian faith is what has been labeled the “Self-esteem Gospel” or the “Psychologized Gospel.” In this errant view Christianity is a means to a better self and a better view of oneself. It...
by Thomas Leake | Mar 16, 2016 | Faith For Life's Journey
I am very excited for any of you who have genuinely embraced the Christian faith for yourself. You have admitted you are a sinner in need of Christ’s saving grace. You have asked God for forgiveness, received eternal life from Him, and humbly turned from your...